Humans suffer from mosquitoes more than any other organism in the world. Every year there are over one-million deaths due to mosquito-borne diseases.
Mosquito-borne diseases refer to illnesses or infections that are transmitted to humans through the bite of a mosquito carrying a virus, bacteria or parasite. The symptoms of mosquito-related diseases range from mild to severe and can be life-threatening, in some cases.
These diseases are a significant global health concern. Therefore, prevention and implementation of control measures are vital to curb the spread of disease, reduce the risk of outbreaks and protect the health and well-being of individuals and families.
By knowing what disease you can get from various types of mosquitoes, you can protect yourself from them and tackle the after effect.
When we think of mosquito bites, we usually just think of the annoying itch that comes with it. But the truth is, those tiny bites can cause serious health problems.
Mosquitoes are responsible for spreading some of the world's most devastating diseases, from malaria and dengue fever to Zika virus and yellow fever. The diseases caused by mosquitoes can cause symptoms ranging from fever, headache and joint pain to life-threatening complications and can be a matter of life and death.
Here is a list of diseases caused by mosquitoes:
One of the most common diseases transmitted by mosquitoes is malaria. It is caused by a one-celled parasite called Plasmodium.
Female Anopheles mosquito picks up the parasite from infected people when they bite to acquire human blood needed to nurture their eggs. Malaria parasites multiply rapidly in the liver and then in red blood cells of the infected person.
If left untreated, malaria can quickly spiral out of control and progress to more serious stages, leading to anaemia, organ failure and even cerebral malaria- a medical complication that can be fatal.
Another important thing to know is how does malaria spread? Malaria can be transmitted through blood transfusion, needle sharing, organ transplants and from mother to child during pregnancy.
One to two weeks after a person is infected, the initial symptoms of malaria usually start to appear like fever, headache, chills, and vomiting.
Malaria is deadly, therefore, saving yourself before it hits you is important. Odomos protects you from the deadly diseases caused by mosquitoes and is available in cream, gel, lotion, wrist band and roll-on formats. You can also try some of the home remedies for malaria and treat it.
A combination of medicines is usually the way to go. Chloroquine, an antiparasitic medication, is often the first-line treatment. Alongside medication, supportive care is crucial which includes plenty of fluids, rest, pain management and close monitoring.
Related Read: Malaria Cure & its Prevention
Dengue fever, commonly referred to as break-bone fever, is an infectious viral mosquito bite disease that causes serious joint and muscle pain.
You must always try to stay away from this deadly dengue virus carried by the female (Aedes aegypti) mosquito. Endemic in more than 128 countries, with almost 3.9 billion people at risk, this mosquito is most active during the daytime.
1. High fever accompanied by severe pain in the joints, headache, pain behind the eyes, nau-sea, vomiting, swollen glands and rashes are the early signs of this viral infection.
2. The most severe symptoms of dengue fever include intense abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, rapid breathing and bleeding gums or nose. Additionally, the patient may experience extreme fatigue, restlessness, blood in their vomit or stool, excessive thirst, pale and cold skin and an overall feeling of weakness.
3. Medical care is suggested to the patient for the next 24-48 hours to avoid the risk of death.
Dengue is one of the common mosquito bite diseases, save yourself and the kids from this by using effective protection like Odomos mosquito repellent patches or use mosquito repellent wristband which gives you 99.9% protection.
Drink lots of fluids and juices churned out from the leaves of papaya, basil, gold root herbs or neem for immediate effects.
Plus, get plenty of rest and be super careful to avoid any activities that could lead to injuries or bleeding.
Also Read: Home Remedies to Prevent & Treat Dengue
This mosquito causing disease is spread by the bite of the Aedes Albopictus mosquito. The disease shares its signs with Zika and Dengue and hence it can be misdiagnosed in the areas where all of these diseases are found.
Chikungunya is not usually life-threatening, and most people recover within a couple of weeks. However, some people may experience lingering joint and muscle pain that can persist for months or even years after the initial infection.
1. The symptoms of this disease caused by mosquitoes usually show up around 3 to 7 days after a mosquito bite. But some people might start feeling the effects as soon as 2 days later, while others might not notice anything for up to 12 days.
2. These mosquito virus symptoms are like those of dengue and include muscle pain, fatigue, rashes, nausea, red eyes and joint swelling.
Protect yourself from Chikungunya this monsoon by applying Odomos which is available in cream, gel, lotion, wrist band and roll-on formats.
There is no antiviral drug treatment for this mosquito spread disease, but you can always drink lots of tea made from the leaves of Tulsi, papaya, ginger or basil. You can also try some of the chikungunya home remedies to cure the disease at its initial stage.
Furthermore, resting and avoiding strenuous activities can also be beneficial and help your body recover faster.
Related Read: Chikungunya Cure & its Prevention
Japanese encephalitis is a serious infection spread through mosquito bites commonly found in rural areas of Asia. While it is rare, the consequences can be severe. This type of mosquito cursing disease takes 5-15 days to show its symptoms.
1. Visible symptoms include headache, fever, vomiting, stomach pain and difficulty in moving muscles. Non-visible symptoms include swelling around the brain and coma.
2. In severe cases, the infection can spread to the brain and lead to more alarming symptoms, such as severe headaches, confusion, seizures and paralysis or loss of movement in certain parts of the body.
Save yourself from the disease by using effective protection like Odomos mosquito repellent lotion
An antiviral drug is not available for the disease but getting JEVtherapy is suggestive. To manage symptoms in the meantime, focusing on rest, drinking plenty of fluids and taking pain medications can help you feel better.
Also Read: What is Japanese Encephalitis?
Similar to dengue fever and yellow fever, this mosquito-borne disease starts with the biting of a mosquito (Aedes) and its symptoms last for 2-7 days.
Typically, the Zika infection is mild and goes away without any major issues. But it can be serious for pregnant women and their fetuses, requiring them to be extra careful.
1. Zika fever has its symptoms similar to that of dengue, which includes fever, skin rashes, conjunctivitis, malaise, joint pain and headache.
2. Usually, these symptoms last a few days to a week and then go away. Plus, hospitalisation from Zika is extremely rare and most people recover at home without serious issues.
Use 100% protection like Odomos to stay away from this mosquito borne disease which is available in various formats.
Zika fever is usually mild and doesn’t require any specific treatment. However, you should get plenty of rest and treat the fever with common medicines or seek medical advice.
It is also vital to seek medical attention if you have any concerns or if your symptoms worsen. It is crucial to attend all appointments with your maternal-fetal medicine specialist to closely monitor your baby's health.
Yellow fever is a serious viral disease spread by infected mosquitoes. The vectors of this disease are found in humid and marsh areas around your houses. First, these mosquitoes infect the monkeys, transmit the disease to humans and then it starts spreading from human to human.
Fortunately, this disease can be prevented with an effective vaccine.
1. The mosquito disease symptoms start showing after 3- 6 days, including jaundice, muscle pain, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, high fever and abdominal pain. Typically, the symptoms disappear on their own and most people start feeling better after just a few days.
2. But some patients can enter a second phase in which the fever comes back and causes serious damage to vital organs, such as the liver and kidneys.
3. Plus, the skin becomes yellow, particularly due to the development of jaundice, and the patient may experience abdominal pain with vomiting. If the patient enters the toxic phase, he might die within 10-14 days.
1. Use mosquito repellents like Odomos daily for everyday protection.
2. Vaccinations are available for this mosquito-borne disease. A single dose of yellow fever vaccine provides lifelong protection against it.
Elephantiasis, or lymphatic filariasis, is an extremely rare disease that occurs after the transmission of filarial parasites by mosquitoes. It causes certain body parts, like arms, legs, breasts, and genitals, to swell up and become much larger than normal.
This mosquito-borne disease can also thicken and harden the skin, giving it a rough, elephant-like texture.
1. Although the disease can be quite serious, many patients experience mild symptoms with about two-thirds of cases not experiencing severe issues.
2. However, the disease can still significantly affect the body and weaken the immune system, leading to inflammation, fluid buildup in the lymph nodes, scrotum and other parts of the body and thickening of limbs.
Use insecticide-treated nets to keep the mosquitoes at bay. And don’t forget to carry Odomos spray or gel to apply while you are travelling or stepping out of the house as it provides 99.9% protection and is safe for everyone.
Follow the chemotherapy strategy.
Related Read: Why do Mosquito Bite Itch?
This mosquito-borne infection is spread from animals to humans. In large outbreaks, these mosquitoes can also spread from one person to another. This type of Mosquito-borne diseases are mostly found in small children. However, it also attacks teenagers and adults sometimes.
A lot of people who get the Ross River virus do not show any symptoms. But for those who do get infected, the appearance of symptoms usually takes around 7 to 9 days after the mosquito bite, though it can range from just 3 days to as long as 21.
The patient can show symptoms, such as swelling, aching tendons, chills, fever, fatigue and rash.
Odomos uses a unique formula in mosquito repellent roll on that masks the distinctive body odor that keeps mosquitoes away from coming in contact with you.
No specific treatment is available. However, there are some things that can help you feel better, including resting and staying hydrated. The patient may be given paracetamol to treat the fever and pain.
If symptoms are extremely severe, the patient might need to be hospitalised to get some extra care to manage the pain, fever and other related issues.
Eastern Equine Encephalitis, commonly called EEE, is an extremely rare kind of infection which includes inflammation of the brain.
Although its cases are few and far between, the outcome can be severe. Nearly one-third of people who get infected with this mosquito-borne disease do not survive and many survivors are left with permanent brain damage.
The symptoms typically appear after 4-10 days of getting bitten. They start with high fever, chills, headache, muscle stiffness, joint pain, rashes and weakness and get converted into disorientation, seizures and encephalitis.
Use Odomos mosquito repellent spray to keep yourself protected which contains natural ingredients that are extremely helpful in keeping mosquitoes away.
When meningeal symptoms are severe, patients usually need medication to control debilitating headaches and stop the nausea and vomiting. Some of them also require rehydration therapy to replenish lost fluids and prevent dehydration.
In critical cases, the patient must be shifted to a hospital immediately and provided respiratory support.
West Nile Virus is a potentially life-threatening mosquito-borne disease that can cause serious brain and spinal cord problems in patients.
West Nile Virus has a global presence and is found in various places around the world, including Africa, Europe, the Middle East, North America and West Asia.
The carrier of this virus, female Culex, is one of the most common mosquitoes found worldwide. These kinds of mosquitoes feed on infected birds and then they transmit it to humans and horses too.
Many people who contract West Nile Virus do not exhibit any symptoms. However, about 1 in 5 people get hit with a bunch of symptoms, including muscle pain, vomiting, skin rash (occasionally), a headache, neck stiffness, flu-like symptoms, disorientation, coma, tremors, convulsions and even paralysis.
Odomos is there to rescue you from this virus. Apply natural mosquito repellent cream every day to keep yourself protected.
There is no vaccination available to treat this mosquito-borne disease. The patient needs to be in the hospital to get the care they need.
To avoid this mosquito disease, you can apply mosquito repellent like Odomos on exposed skin or cover it with clothes.
This virus spread amplifies inside birds and mosquitoes before getting transferred to humans. Wild birds, such as sparrows, pigeons, blue jays, and robins, carry St. Louis Encephalitis Virus.
Transmission usually occurs in late summer and early fall in places with milder climates. In warmer areas, like the southern states, the risk persists year-round.
It includes illness, nausea, fever and tiredness as some of the early symptoms. Some people might start to feel better after a few days, but others can develop serious complications related to the central nervous system, such as inflammation of the brain or the protective membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
Apply Odomos mosquito repellent gel to prevent yourself from these infected mosquitoes and never fall trap to this deadly mosquito disease.
Immediate hospitalization of the patient is a must.
The treatment of mosquito-borne diseases does not follow a one-size-fits-all approach. It depends on the specific disease and its severity.
For example, if someone has dengue fever, chikungunya or Zika virus, the focus is on managing their symptoms and helping their body recover naturally.
In severe cases, hospitalisation is necessary to monitor patients closely and provide more intensive care, such as IV fluids and respiratory support.
Mosquito-borne diseases, such as malaria, require specialised medications to target the parasite and prevent complications. For yellow fever, the treatment might involve a range of interventions, including medicines, supportive care and even dialysis to manage organ failure.
Mosquito-borne diseases are a major concern that pose a significant threat to global health. Diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, Zika virus, and yellow fever can have devastating consequences, including organ failure, brain damage, and even death.
But the good news is that we can actually prevent many of these cases by taking some pretty simple precautions, such as using mosquito repellent like Odomos.
Let us all be aware of the mosquito disease names and risks and take steps to protect ourselves and our loved ones.
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You might be under lockdown but disease-causing mosquitoes are not! Odomos guarantees 100% protection from dengue mosquitoes. #StayHome #StaySafe